A series of workshops developed by artist Carrie Sijia Wang that examines the opportunities and challenges in the imminent future of work in the advent of artificial intelligence.
The development of the workshop series is supported by a grant from the Mozilla Foundation.
Future of Work is a series of artist-led workshops that examine the opportunities and challenges in the imminent future of work affected by the rise of automation, the advent of artificial intelligence, and the global pandemic. Participants will identify and analyze problems related to the changes in the way we work, and come up with creative project ideas that can help workers survive, prepare for, adapt to, or resist the changes.
How do we empower and uplift workers in an ever so close future of ubiquitous surveillance and the gamification of everything? How can we integrate technology into workplace design beyond just putting screens everywhere? What are some creative ways to bring the team together in the age of remote work? These are among the questions that the workshops will explore.
Activities in the workshops will include short lectures, creative brainstorming, discussions, and project ideation.
Work has been and still is a big part of life in many parts of the world despite predictions of leisure taking over. In this workshop, participants will examine the history, the present, and the trends in the sector of work. We will look at jobs that have become obsolete, jobs that might be replaced by automation, and imagine what kinds of new jobs will be invented in the future.
This workshop is designed to look at the history and the future of Algorithmic Hiring, and how A.I. driven hiring tools may amplify bias in the recruitment process. Participants will be introduced to a variety of predictive hiring technologies used by companies today, discuss their trustworthiness, and work together to come up their own A.I. auditing process.
Surveillance in the remote workplace has intensified as more people started working from home. In this workshop, participants will work together in small groups to find creative ways for remote workers to reclaim some of their privacy under the surveillance of employee tracking software.
This workshop explores the future of work from the perspective of workplace design. Following an introduction from the facilitator about the history and the trends of workplace design, the participants will work together in groups to reimagine the place of work in both physical and virtual spaces.