Reimagine the Place of Work

Workshop 04 of the Future of Work Workshop Series

A workshop that looks at the history and the future of workplace design, and reimagines the place of work in both physical and virtual spaces.


This workshop explores the future of work from the perspective of workplace design. Following an introduction from the facilitator about the history and the future trends of workplace design, the participants will work together in groups to reimagine the place of work in both physical and virtual spaces.

Workshop Resources

The following materials about workplace design are collected based on my research. Please feel free to share them with those who are interested.

Articles and other resources concerning the topic of workplace design in general collected in preparation for the workshop.

Workshop Details

01 Welcome

A round of self introductions for the participants to get to know one another.

02 Presentation

A presentation by the facilitator to introduce the topic and outline what the workshop entails.

03 Group Discussion

The participants break into smaller groups and discuss the change in workplace design over the years and predict what the office would look like in the future.

04 Inspirations and Introduction to Group Activity

The facilitator shares a variety of experimental explorations in the area of workplace design, and introduces participants to the workplace design activity.

05 Group Activity

The participants work in groups to reimagine a workplace that values workers’ well being rather than putting efficiency first.

06 Sharing

The participants share their workplace design proposals with everyone in the workshop.