Through a series of interactive workshops, Whose AI? brings together diverse groups of young people across New York City to critically engage with AI technologies, to play, to learn, to experiment, and to co-construct knowledge about AI’s social implications.
Learn more about the project and its open-sourced curriculum here
Live! is a class engages students in a dynamic series of workshop-style experiments, looking into different possibilities of live-streamed performance. Through an exploration of language, media, time, space, body, and object, students are encouraged to develop their unique artistic voices while utilizing the class as a platform for performative inquiry into subjects of individual interest.
Syllabus for NYU’s IMA Low Res Graduate Program
Developed with help from Matt Romein and Craig Protzel, thank you!
Chatbots for Art’s Sake is a class that repurposes existing chatbot technologies and uses them for the sake of art. Comprising technical labs, design workshops, thematic seminars, and creative project development, it offers an exploration of the historical, present, and future dimensions of conversational AI; and the various roles AI has played and could play in human society. Students will delve into the design elements of conversational AI, and learn to use different techniques to create functional and artistic chatbots.
Syllabus for NYU’s Interactive Media Arts Undergraduate Program (IMA)
Creative Coding is a class that introduces fundamental coding concepts and ways to use computation creatively. This version of the class is offered at the Interactive Media Arts Global Low Residency Graduate Program (IMA Low Res) at NYU.
Summer 2021 Syllabus on GitHub (Many thanks to Ellen Nickles, who taught the other section of the class and co-created the syllabus.)
A workshop designed to raise awareness about surveillance in the virtual workplace and find creative ways to reclaim some privacy as individual workers.
A series of bitesize videos designed for beginners to learn p5.js by creating simple, playful sketches.