Hey Alien

An interactive installation that puts visitors in the role of an “alien” who is seeking to immigrate to the fictional “Beautiful Planet” after earth becomes uninhabitable.

Interactive Installation & Browser-Based Experience, 2023

Carrie Sijia Wang

Installation Design Consultant: Thom Chiu

The World Is Before You at EFA Project Space

Hey Alien is an interactive installation that puts visitors in the role of an “alien” who is seeking to immigrate to the fictional “Beautiful Planet” after earth becomes uninhabitable.

In the experience, visitors interface with a digital system created by the “Integration and Acceptance Committee of The Beautiful Planet”, answering questions like—“Where are you from? Why should I let you stay?”—while being evaluated by the obscure algorithms behind the committee’s program.

Through a fictional lens, the project aims to convey the feelings of alienation, and the elusive rules of assimilation experienced by immigrants in seeking to integrate into a new society.

Hey Alien: How to Use the Examination Practice Room, 2023. Video Still.

Hey Alien: Integration Assessment Examination Practice Tests, 2023. Stills from the Interactive Experience.

Hey Alien, 2023. Installation at EFA Project Space. Photo: Julia Gillard.

Hey Alien, 2023. Installation at EFA Project Space.

Hey Alien, 2023. Installation at EFA Project Space.

Hey Alien, 2023. Installation at EFA Project Space. Photo: Julia Gillard.